Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sneeky Twins and the Tale of Batman and Wendy

It has been a long day and it is promising to be a long week as well.  I am in the midst of writing a grant proposal for summer programming, and I fear it will take every spare second I have.  Hopefully it pays off!  I also just returned from the National Asparagus Festival monthly board meeting to find the twins in bed (sort of) and the other kids (minus Peter, who is at camp) watching "The Incredibles".  The twins are struggling with staying in bed now that they are out of their cribs.  They are sneaky about it too.  They quietly sneak down the hallway and stand in the back of the living room and watch TV and you never notice them unless you turn around.  Last night I went to bed right after them and just as I was about to fall asleep,Gabriel pounced on me.  After a stern scolding, he reluctantly went back to bed, crying.  Katherine usually is the one who leads Gabriel out of bed, so I think she is teaching him her tricks.  They are currently in bed and Katherine has not sneaked out even once. Gabe on the other hand has been seen twice.

On a different topic.............Joseph again has been asking to visit Batman and Wendy. Daily, sometimes two or three times a day.  He has, however, decided he only wants to visit (for now).  When he grows up he has informed us that he will move in with Batman. At this point, you must be confused because I did not say Batman and Robin, but Batman and Wendy.  To make a long story short, we have good friends that are really named Paul and Wendy. Joseph saw a picture of Paul in a Halloween costume dressed as Batman and ever since, he has been convinced that he is the REAL Batman.  It probably doesn't help that we all have perpetuated the lie. Batman (aka Paul) sent Joseph his own batman cape and shirt, and showed up at our house around Halloween in full Batman attire. I must admit, it is a pretty convincing costume, especially to a 5 year old.  Joseph will often say, "I won't tell your secret Batman." or "I am Batman's helper." We even have really cute pictures of Batman and Little Batman (aka Joseph).  I think of this kind of like Santa Clause.  One day we will tell him the truth, but it is just too cute to tell him now.  

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