Friday, April 8, 2011


There is a new Disney Junior show called Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  It is really cute and it teaches valuable vocabulary! (Sort of.) Gabriel's new word is "Pirate".  Because Pete makes it his mission in life to teach our children really valuable things, he taught Gabriel to say "RRRR" in addition to this new word and to swing his fist through the air.  This is the latest in the long line of valuable things Pete has taught our children, including teaching a 2 year old Peter to say "WHAT'S UPPPPP!" with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and teaching Emma to say, "Boop Boop Bee Doo!" with her hands on her swinging hips. I know there were more, but of course now that I would like to list them, I can't seem to remember them. Just the musings of a mother of 6.

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