Sunday, April 3, 2011

Peter's Camp Out

Well, Peter leaves for his first overnight away from the family tomorrow.  Actually, it is 2 nights, but who's counting? He will be fine.  Me on the other hand will probably miss him horribly. Matthew, my tenderhearted guy, said, "I am going to miss Peter." It was almost like he thought Peter wasn't coming back.  Yeah, that helps! Anyway, if I miss him too badly, I can go visit him.  It is my program he is going with, so I can just say I was checking on how things were going.  No one will ever be the wiser. (Until they read this post!)

Maybe this time with Peter gone will allow me to spend some time with Matthew though.  He stopped reading his book for a second (trust me this doesn't happen often), long enough to tell me (in tears) that he doesn't have any friends at school and no one likes to play with him.  He said he reads at recess because no one will play with him.  Wow! What do you say to that? I reminded him that he has an eternal friend in Jesus, and he will never leave us.  I also encouraged him to ask others to play with him.  He wasn't too encouraged.  He has always been an old soul, very thoughtful about future things, and always asks those big questions.  He says he is bored in school because he already knows what they are teaching. The part that is tough is that I know he is right.

Well I think that is enough for my first day of blogging.  Four out of the six kids are sleeping.  Peter and Matthew are camping out in the living room and chatting away and I think I might as well hit the hay as well.  Hopefully the boys will be sleeping before Pete makes it home.

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